Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Connectify Pro 3.6 Full :D

Link download ada kat bawah tu.. bace kat care2 nk install.. :D

Connectify Hotspot

Easily create a Wi-Fi hotspot to share and collaborate with your friends, co-workers, and mobile devices.

Connectify Dispatch

Combine multiple Internet connections for their combined speed and reliability! Now funding on Kickstarter!

About Connectify

Learn more about the team that makes complex networking tasks easy!

Connectify nie untuk korang yang ada wifi kat laptop dye, xpun pc yang ada wifi adapter ke..
pastu korang nak guna broadband korang yang laju tu utk share wifi..
contoh nk guna kat nset korang.. guna la benda nie..
asal ade wifi jer.. bleh la..

Care nak install :-
1. Download connectify dulu kat link nie >>>>> http://www.mediafire.com/?s6b74dls3dmsq0q

2. Extract file tu kt mane2..
3. Install connectify tu.. law korang xgune win 7 sp1, dye akan kuar la something, just ignore it..
3. lepas siap install, reboot/restart pc korang..
4. dye akan kuar dye tanye nk purchase ke try trial n enter serial.. korang tekan enter serial tu (kalau xsilap aku) then, g kat file korang extract tu, bukak keygen.. amik email n serial pastu paste je kt connectify tadi..
5. setting pandai2 korang la pastu tekan start hotspot.. bleh gune.. oraittt~ selamat mencuba :D